If you are trying to convert 1.5 meters to feet you might be asking one of these questions (they are all the same):
- What is 1.5 meters to ft?
- What is 1.5 m to feet?
- What is 1.5 m to ft?
Just a quick reminder about the abbreviations. m=meters and ft=feet.
When you convert 1.5 meters to feet the ANSWER is 4.9212598425.
You can also use this converter to convert any number of meters (m) to feet (ft):
Also here are the most common meters (m) to feet (ft) conversions in this table:
Meters (m) | Feet (ft) | Meters (m) | Feet (ft) |
1 | 3.280839895 | 51 | 167.3228346 |
2 | 6.56167979 | 52 | 170.6036745 |
3 | 9.842519685 | 53 | 173.8845144 |
4 | 13.12335958 | 54 | 177.1653543 |
5 | 16.40419948 | 55 | 180.4461942 |
6 | 19.68503937 | 56 | 183.7270341 |
7 | 22.96587927 | 57 | 187.007874 |
8 | 26.24671916 | 58 | 190.2887139 |
9 | 29.52755906 | 59 | 193.5695538 |
10 | 32.80839895 | 60 | 196.8503937 |
11 | 36.08923885 | 61 | 200.1312336 |
12 | 39.37007874 | 62 | 203.4120735 |
13 | 42.65091864 | 63 | 206.6929134 |
14 | 45.93175853 | 64 | 209.9737533 |
15 | 49.21259843 | 65 | 213.2545932 |
16 | 52.49343832 | 66 | 216.5354331 |
17 | 55.77427822 | 67 | 219.816273 |
18 | 59.05511811 | 68 | 223.0971129 |
19 | 62.33595801 | 69 | 226.3779528 |
20 | 65.6167979 | 70 | 229.6587927 |
21 | 68.8976378 | 71 | 232.9396325 |
22 | 72.17847769 | 72 | 236.2204724 |
23 | 75.45931759 | 73 | 239.5013123 |
24 | 78.74015748 | 74 | 242.7821522 |
25 | 82.02099738 | 75 | 246.0629921 |
26 | 85.30183727 | 76 | 249.343832 |
27 | 88.58267717 | 77 | 252.6246719 |
28 | 91.86351706 | 78 | 255.9055118 |
29 | 95.14435696 | 79 | 259.1863517 |
30 | 98.42519685 | 80 | 262.4671916 |
31 | 101.7060367 | 81 | 265.7480315 |
32 | 104.9868766 | 82 | 269.0288714 |
33 | 108.2677165 | 83 | 272.3097113 |
34 | 111.5485564 | 84 | 275.5905512 |
35 | 114.8293963 | 85 | 278.8713911 |
36 | 118.1102362 | 86 | 282.152231 |
37 | 121.3910761 | 87 | 285.4330709 |
38 | 124.671916 | 88 | 288.7139108 |
39 | 127.9527559 | 89 | 291.9947507 |
40 | 131.2335958 | 90 | 295.2755906 |
41 | 134.5144357 | 91 | 298.5564304 |
42 | 137.7952756 | 92 | 301.8372703 |
43 | 141.0761155 | 93 | 305.1181102 |
44 | 144.3569554 | 94 | 308.3989501 |
45 | 147.6377953 | 95 | 311.67979 |
46 | 150.9186352 | 96 | 314.9606299 |
47 | 154.1994751 | 97 | 318.2414698 |
48 | 157.480315 | 98 | 321.5223097 |
49 | 160.7611549 | 99 | 324.8031496 |
50 | 164.0419948 | 100 | 328.0839895 |
How to convert 1.5 meters (m) to feet (ft)?
There are two methods you can use to do meters to feet conversion:
1st Method – Multiply by 3.280839895
Since there are 3.280839895 meters (m) to feet (ft) you can multiply the number of meters (m) you are trying to convert by 3.280839895. Therefore, multiply 1.5 by 3.280839895. Here is the formula:
1.5 x 3.280839895 = 4.9212598425
2nd Method – Divide by 0.3048
In order to convert meters (m) to feet (ft) you just need to divide the number of meters you are trying to convert by 0.3048. Here is the formula:
1.5 ÷ 0.3048 = 4.9212598425
Why divide by 0.3048 because there are 0.3048 meters in 1 foot.
In case you need to do a reverse conversion from feet (ft) to meters (m) use the converter below:
Facts about Meter
In American spelling – meter or in Commonwealth spelling – metre. The symbol of meter is “m” it comes from the French unit mètre and from the Greek noun “measure”. In the International System of Units (SI) meter is the base unit of length and distance. It is represented as the distance traveled by light in 1/299 792 458 of a second. The current definition was adopted in 1983 and revised slightly in 2002 to clarify that the metre is a measure of proper length.
Originally, in 1793, the meter was represented as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole. This changed when the international prototype metre was established as the length of a prototype meter bar (made of an alloy of 90% platinum and 10% iridium) measured at the melting point of ice. In 1960, the meter was again redefined, this time in terms of a specific number of wavelengths of a particular emission line of krypton-86. The current definition of the meter is actually identical to the definition that was adopted in 1983, with slight changes due to the modification in the definition of the second.
The meter is used worldwide in many applications such as measuring distance, length, height, width, etc. The United States is one significant exception in that it mainly uses US customary units like yards, feet, inches, and miles rather than meters in daily use.
Facts about Foot
In the United States’ customary and imperial systems of measurement, a foot is a unit of length and its symbol is (ft). in 1959, a foot was represented as exactly 0.3048 meters. 1 foot contains 12 inches, and 1 yard is composed of 3 feet.
The measurement of the foot was used in various systems including the Roman, Greek, French, English, and Chinese systems, varying in length between each. This was before the standardization of units of measurement, and the definition of the foot currently in use. Commonly, parts of the human body were used as a foundation for units of length such as the cubit, digit, hand, span, and many others (sometimes called anthropic units), consequently, various lengths existed. Compared to the current definition of 304.8 mm, the measurement of a foot ranged between 250 mm and 335 mm in the past. The US is one of the few, countries in which the foot is still widely used. Before metrication, many countries used their own version of the foot.
The foot is mainly used in the US, the UK, and Canada, for many day-to-day applications. In the US, feet, and inches are commonly used to measure shorter distances, height, field length (sometimes in the form of yards), etc. Feet are also typically used to measure altitude (in aviation) as well as elevation (such as that of a mountain).
If you are looking for more information about meters to feet or feet to meters conversion visit metersinfeet.net.